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12 February 2024 Range expansion of a declining forest species, the Western Gray Squirrel (Sciurus griseus), into semiarid woodland
Sean M. Sultaire, Robert A. Montgomery, Patrick J. Jackson, Joshua J. Millspaugh
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Globally, animals that are range-restricted are frequently becoming species of conservation concern, in part due to competitive exclusion by phylogenetically and ecologically similar species that are more tolerant of human disturbance. However, climate and land use changes to natural landscapes can create pockets of refugia for range-restricted species. Western gray squirrels (Sciurus griseus) are native to the west coast of North America, principally California and western Oregon. Over the past several decades, Western Gray Squirrel populations have declined in human-dominated areas, with increased competition from introduced congeneric species native to eastern North America cited as a primary driver. Despite declines in their established range west of the Pacific Crest in western North America, western gray squirrels are extending their range into the Great Basin, where they were not historically found. Using a network of remote camera traps deployed across the Sierra Nevada–Great Basin ecotone in northwestern Nevada, we detected western gray squirrels across 16 of 100 camera-trapping sites. The majority of detections were located in piñon–juniper woodland, a land cover type not previously occupied by this species. Occupancy modeling revealed that western gray squirrels were equally likely to occur in piñon–juniper woodland compared to mature pine forest that they occupy elsewhere in their range. A species distribution model parameterized with historical gray squirrel observations (pre-1950), indicated increased climatic suitability for the species on the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada in recent decades, which may have facilitated this range expansion. Our findings reveal the potential for species declining in their historical range to colonize novel habitats that become increasingly suitable as a result of human-driven changes to ecosystems.

Sean M. Sultaire, Robert A. Montgomery, Patrick J. Jackson, and Joshua J. Millspaugh "Range expansion of a declining forest species, the Western Gray Squirrel (Sciurus griseus), into semiarid woodland," Journal of Mammalogy 105(2), 337-347, (12 February 2024).
Received: 21 November 2022; Accepted: 25 January 2024; Published: 12 February 2024
Camera trap
dynamic occupancy model
nonanalog community
piñon–juniper woodland
range expansion
species distribution model
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