VOL. 62 · NO. 3 | July 2015

Contents (3)
David J. Mabberley
Madroño 62 (3), 137-138, (1 July 2015) https://doi.org/10.3120/madr-62-03-137-138.1
KEYWORDS: Dichelostemma, Gardeners' Chronicle, Lindley, Lobb, principle of priority, Rhytidea, Veitch
Debra R. Ayres
Madroño 62 (3), 139-149, (13 August 2015) https://doi.org/10.3120/madr-62-03-139-149.1
KEYWORDS: alkali wetlands, Cordylanthus palmatus, genetic structure, hydrological connectivity, inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSRs), palmate-bracted bird’s beak, vernal pools
Nathan Emery, Josephine Lesage
Madroño 62 (3), 150-157, (1 July 2015) https://doi.org/10.3120/madr-62-03-150-157.1
KEYWORDS: Artemisia, drought, drought-deciduous, fog, stable isotopes, water relations
New Species
Dana A. York
Madroño 62 (3), 158-166, (1 July 2015) https://doi.org/10.3120/madr-62-03-158-166.1
KEYWORDS: Erythronium section Pardalinae, fawn lily, foothill woodland, limestone, McCloud River Arm, Northern California, Pit River Arm, rare endemic plant species, Shasta Lake
Julie Kierstead Nelson, Len Lindstrand III
Madroño 62 (3), 167-180, (13 August 2015) https://doi.org/10.3120/madr-62-03-167-180.1
KEYWORDS: California endemic, ERICACEAE, Shasta huckleberry, Sierra huckleberry, Sierra Nevada, southeastern Klamath Mountains, Vaccinium shastense subsp. shastense, Vaccinium shastense subsp. nevadense, western Shasta County
Noteworthy Collections
Michelle A. Cloud-Hughes, Marc A. Baker, Peter B. Breslin
Madroño 62 (3), 181-182, (1 July 2015) https://doi.org/10.3120/madr-62-03-181-182.1
No abstract available
Teague Embrey
Madroño 62 (3), 182-183, (1 July 2015) https://doi.org/10.3120/madr-62-03-182-183.1
No abstract available
Zoya Akulova-Barlow
Madroño 62 (3), 183, (1 July 2015) https://doi.org/10.3120/madr-62-03-183-183.1
No abstract available
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