VOL. 32 · NO. 1 | March 2009

J. C. Coulson, B. A. Coulson
Waterbirds 32 (1), 1-15, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.1675/063.032.0101
KEYWORDS: Lesser Black-backed Gull, Larus fuscus, large gulls, breeding ecology, inland breeding, urban, colony structure, change in abundance, recruitment, management
Slade Moore, Jack R. Nawrot, John P. Severson
Waterbirds 32 (1), 16-24, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.1675/063.032.0102
KEYWORDS: Least Bittern, Ixobrychus exilis, habitat, habitat selection, mined land reclamation, area sensitivity
Moisés Pescador, Salvador Peris
Waterbirds 32 (1), 25-35, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.1675/063.032.0103
KEYWORDS: bird censuses, Patagonia, richness, wetland surface
Thomas L. Fleischner, H. River Gates
Waterbirds 32 (1), 36-43, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.1675/063.032.0104
KEYWORDS: Shorebirds, Gulf of California, coastal wetlands, migratory stopover sites, Western Sandpiper, Calidris, conservation
Eric Mellink, Mónica Riojas-López, Jaime Luévano
Waterbirds 32 (1), 44-53, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.1675/063.032.0105
KEYWORDS: Charadriiformes, breeding Jalisco, Colima, Michoacán, Guerrero
Steven D. Emslie, John S. Weske, Micou M. Browne, Sue Cameron, Ruth Boettcher, David F. Brinker, Walker Golder
Waterbirds 32 (1), 54-63, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.1675/063.032.0106
KEYWORDS: chick census, mid-Atlantic seaboard, nest census, Royal Terns, Sandwich Terns, Sterna
Anne Hecht, Scott M. Melvin
Waterbirds 32 (1), 64-72, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.1675/063.032.0107 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Piping Plover, Charadrius melodus, endangered species, census, shorebird, conservation, demographics, population, Atlantic Coast
Benoît Jobin, Luc Robillard, Claudie Latendresse
Waterbirds 32 (1), 73-80, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.1675/063.032.0108
KEYWORDS: call-broadcast, impoundment, Ixobrychus exilis, Least Bittern, Québec, Species at risk, waterbirds, water level management
Juan José Alava, Melina Costantino, Evelyng Astudillo, Xavier Arosemena, Magali Peñafiel
Waterbirds 32 (1), 81-86, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.1675/063.032.0109
KEYWORDS: Anhima cornuta, Ecuador, El Canclon Lagoon, wetland, population, habitat perturbation, cattle ranching
Jena A. Moon, David A. Haukos
Waterbirds 32 (1), 87-95, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.1675/063.032.0110 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Anas acuta, body condition, northern pintail, Playa Lakes Region
Jon T. McCloskey, Jonathan E. Thompson, Aaron D. Tjelmeland, Bart M. Ballard
Waterbirds 32 (1), 96-105, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.1675/063.032.0111
KEYWORDS: body composition, Gallinago gallinago delicata, gut morphology, nutritional ecology, Texas Gulf Coast, Wilson's Snipe
David B. McWethy, Jane E. Austin
Waterbirds 32 (1), 106-115, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.1675/063.032.0112
KEYWORDS: breeding ecology, Grus canadensis tabida, sandhill crane, Idaho, land management
Jungsoo Kim, Tae-Hoe Koo
Waterbirds 32 (1), 116-122, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.1675/063.032.0113
KEYWORDS: Black-crowned Night Herons, Little Egrets, Grey Herons, nest site characteristics, reproductive success
Evan M. Adams, Peter C. Frederick
Waterbirds 32 (1), 123-127, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.1675/063.032.0114
KEYWORDS: White Ibis, starvation, mortality, nestling, sex ratio
Dariusz Jakubas
Waterbirds 32 (1), 128-132, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.1675/063.032.0115
KEYWORDS: Ardea cinerea, food theft, Grey Heron, intraspecific kleptoparasitism
John M. Pearce, Margaret R. Petersen
Waterbirds 32 (1), 133-137, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.1675/063.032.0116
KEYWORDS: Common Merganser, juvenile dispersal, molt migration, population structure, satellite telemetry, sea duck
Adrian E. Andrei, L. M. Smith, D. A. Haukos, J. G. Surles, W. P. Johnson
Waterbirds 32 (1), 138-148, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.1675/063.032.0117
KEYWORDS: American avocet, invertebrates, Least Sandpiper, lesser yellowlegs, migration stopovers, Ogallala aquifer, saline lakes, Shorebirds, southern Great Plains, Wilson's Phalarope
Antonio Gomes, Joaber Pereira, Leandro Bugoni
Waterbirds 32 (1), 149-156, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.1675/063.032.0118
KEYWORDS: diving, foraging behavior, age differences, Great Grebe, Podicephorus major, Brazil
Yan Ropert-Coudert, Akiko Kato
Waterbirds 32 (1), 157-161, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.1675/063.032.0119
KEYWORDS: Adaptation, Australasian Little Grebes, diving duration, diving efficiency, environmental changes, feeding tactics, Hoary-headed Grebes
David B. Wingate, Jeremy L. Madeiros, James A. Kushlan
Waterbirds 32 (1), 162-168, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.1675/063.032.0120
KEYWORDS: Atlantic Ocean, Bermuda, biogeography, Butorides striata, Butorides virescens, Caribbean, colonization, conservation, distribution, food habits, herons, nesting success, range expansion
John Davenport, John O'Halloran, Fiona Hannah, Orla McLaughlin, Pat Smiddy
Waterbirds 32 (1), 169-178, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.1675/063.032.0121
KEYWORDS: down, feathers, ultrastructure, follicle density
Patricia C. Baião, Patricia G. Parker
Waterbirds 32 (1), 179-182, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.1675/063.032.0122
KEYWORDS: extra-pair paternity, fingerprinting, Galápagos, Sula sula, Sulidae
Kyle Hamish Elliott, Anthony J. Gaston
Waterbirds 32 (1), 183-191, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.1675/063.032.0123
KEYWORDS: Thick-billed Murre, Uria lomvia, Hudson Bay, depth recorders, activity patterns, device drift
Richard R. Veit, Stephen A Nesbitt, Rosalind Jessop
Waterbirds 32 (1), 192-196, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.1675/063.032.0124
No abstract available
Alexander L. Bond, Peter W. Hicklin, Matthew R. Evans
Waterbirds 32 (1), 197, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.1675/063.032.0125
No abstract available
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