VOL. 26 · NO. 3 | September 2012
Original Studies
Cristiane K. M. Kolesnikovas, Claudia Niemeyer, Rodrigo H. F. Teixeira, Adauto L. V. Nunes, Luciana C. Rameh-de-Albuquerque, Sávio S. Sant'Anna, José L. Catão-Dias
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 26 (3), 125-129, (1 September 2012) https://doi.org/10.1647/2011-020R1.1
KEYWORDS: hematology, plasma biochemical analysis, Avian, hyacinth macaw, Anodorhyncus hyacinthinus
Christoph Mans, David Sanchez-Migallon Guzman, Lesanna L. Lahner, Joanne Paul-Murphy, Kurt K. Sladky
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 26 (3), 130-139, (1 September 2012) https://doi.org/10.1647/2011-037R.1
KEYWORDS: midazolam, flumazenil, sedation, intranasal, manual restraint, stress, anxiolysis, Avian, Hispaniolan Amazon parrot, Amazona ventralis
Joel Pond, Steve Thompson, Mary Hennen, John Pauley, Kathryn C. Gamble
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 26 (3), 140-143, (1 September 2012) https://doi.org/10.1647/2011-003R.1
KEYWORDS: plasma biochemical analysis, centrifugation, microhematocrit, Avian, Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus
Erin Monaco, Sharman Hoppes, Jianhua Guo, Ian Tizard
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 26 (3), 144-148, (1 September 2012) https://doi.org/10.1647/2011-049R1.1
KEYWORDS: avian bornavirus, proventricular dilatation disease, reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, psittacine eggs, embryos, Avian
Donald J. Brightsmith
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 26 (3), 149-160, (1 September 2012) https://doi.org/10.1647/2011-025R.1
KEYWORDS: nutrition, seed, formulated diet, produce, avian, Amazon parrot, Amazona species
Lee C. Emery, Sherry K. Cox, Marcy J. Souza
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 26 (3), 161-166, (1 September 2012) https://doi.org/10.1647/2012-003R.1
KEYWORDS: Terbinafine, antifungal, pharmacokinetics, Avian, Hispaniolan Amazon parrot, Amazona ventralis
Clinical Reports
E. Marie Rush, Thomas M. Turner, Ronald Montgomery, Anna L. Ogburn, Robert M. Urban, Chris Sidebothum, Andrew LaVasser
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 26 (3), 167-175, (1 September 2012) https://doi.org/10.1647/2009-012R2.1
KEYWORDS: tarsometatarsus, fracture, prosthesis, implant, bone, Avian, white-naped crane, Grus vipio
Roberto F. Aguilar, Jill N. Yoshicedo, Chris N. Parish
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 26 (3), 176-181, (1 September 2012) https://doi.org/10.1647/2010-029R2.1
KEYWORDS: crop stasis, feeding tube, ingluviotomy, lead poisoning, toxicosis, Avian, California condor, Gymnogyps californianus
Letter to the Editor
Peter Kloen, Tymen A. Kloen, Frank Verstappen, Roelof Maarschalkerweerd
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 26 (3), 182-183, (1 September 2012) https://doi.org/10.1647/2012-039.1
No abstract available
Round Table Discussion
Laurie Hess
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 26 (3), 184-187, (1 September 2012) https://doi.org/10.1647/1082-6742-26.3.184
No abstract available
Selected Abstract From the Literature
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 26 (3), 188-193, (1 September 2012) https://doi.org/10.1647/1082-6742-26.3.188
No abstract available
Coming Meetings
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 26 (3), 202, (1 September 2012) https://doi.org/10.1647/1082-6742-26.3.202
No abstract available
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