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1 March 2006 Effects of Prescribed Fire on the Vegetation of a Savanna-Glade Complex in Northern Arkansas
Seán E. Jenkins, Michael A. Jenkins
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In Spring of 1995 and 1997, 170 ha of a savanna-glade complex in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas were burned. These prescribed burns included 5 of 18 permanent plots established across the site in 1993. We surveyed the ground flora, seedling, sapling, and overstory vegetation of these plots before and after burning. The burns greatly impacted the sapling layer, where density decreased from 2540/ha preburn to 610/ha after the second burn. Ground flora richness was unchanged following burning, but evenness and diversity increased. Species richness, evenness, and diversity also increased on the unburned plots. We observed large increases in the cover of several glade and savanna species after burning. We observed similar trends, but of lesser magnitude, on unburned plots.

Seán E. Jenkins and Michael A. Jenkins "Effects of Prescribed Fire on the Vegetation of a Savanna-Glade Complex in Northern Arkansas," Southeastern Naturalist 5(1), 113-126, (1 March 2006).[113:EOPFOT]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 March 2006
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