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17 March 2023 Neural Control of Sexual Behavior in Fish
Yoshitaka Oka
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Many vertebrate species show breeding periods and exhibit series of characteristic species-specific sexual behaviors only during the breeding period. Here, secretion of gonadal sex hormones from the mature gonads has been considered to facilitate sexual behaviors. Thus, the sexual behavior has long been considered to be regulated by neural and hormonal mechanisms. In this review, we discuss recent progress in the study of neural control mechanisms of sexual behavior with a focus on studies using fish, which have often been the favorite animals used by many researchers who study instinctive animal behaviors. We first discuss control mechanisms of sexual behaviors by sex steroids in relation to the anatomical studies of sex steroid-concentrating neurons in various vertebrate brains, which are abundantly distributed in evolutionarily conserved areas such as preoptic area (POA) and anterior hypothalamus. We then focus on another brain area called the ventral telencephalic area, which has also been suggested to contain sex steroid-concentrating neurons and has been implicated in the control of sexual behaviors, especially in teleosts. We also discuss control of sex-specific behaviors and sexual preference influenced by estrogenic signals or by olfactory/pheromonal signals. Finally, we briefly summarize research on the modulatory control of motivation for sexual behaviors by a group of peptidergic neurons called terminal nerve gonadotropin-releasing hormone (TN-GnRH) neurons, which are known to be especially developed in fishes among various vertebrate species.

Yoshitaka Oka "Neural Control of Sexual Behavior in Fish," Zoological Science 40(2), 128-140, (17 March 2023).
Received: 28 November 2022; Accepted: 9 January 2023; Published: 17 March 2023
neural circuitry
peptide hormones
sex steroids
sexual behavior
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