VOL. 105 · NO. 1 | April 2002

Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science
John Charlton
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 105 (1), 1-17, (1 April 2002) https://doi.org/10.1660/0022-8443(2002)105[0001:ATYOMO]2.0.CO;2
Shawn A. Hamm, Kenshu Shimada
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 105 (1), 18-26, (1 April 2002) https://doi.org/10.1660/0022-8443(2002)105[0018:ATSOTL]2.0.CO;2
Christopher Fielitz
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 105 (1), 27-32, (1 April 2002) https://doi.org/10.1660/0022-8443(2002)105[0027:FROETI]2.0.CO;2
Michael J. Everhart
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 105 (1), 33-43, (1 April 2002) https://doi.org/10.1660/0022-8443(2002)105[0033:NDOCMA]2.0.CO;2
D. F. Merriam
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 105 (1), 44-50, (1 April 2002) https://doi.org/10.1660/0022-8443(2002)105[0044:TADNLI]2.0.CO;2
Christian A. Bellar, Alan D. Maccarone
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 105 (1), 51-65, (1 April 2002) https://doi.org/10.1660/0022-8443(2002)105[0051:TEOPHL]2.0.CO;2
Wayne A. Geyer, Walter H. Fick, Jonathan Carlisle, John Barbur
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 105 (1), 66-71, (1 April 2002) https://doi.org/10.1660/0022-8443(2002)105[0066:WMOMSG]2.0.CO;2
R. Jones
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 105 (1), 72-78, (1 April 2002) https://doi.org/10.1660/0022-8443(2002)105[0072:MCOMAN]2.0.CO;2
Bimal Kanti Paul, Deborah J. Rumsey
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 105 (1), 79-90, (1 April 2002) https://doi.org/10.1660/0022-8443(2002)105[0079:PCPBIR]2.0.CO;2
Marshall I. Sundberg, Dana M. Slaughter, Scott S. Crupper
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 105 (1), 91-95, (1 April 2002) https://doi.org/10.1660/0022-8443(2002)105[0091:AORAPD]2.0.CO;2
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