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1 June 2012 Time of Day Does Not Affect Detection in Visual-Encounter Surveys of a Spring-Dwelling Salamander, Eurycea naufragia
Tiffany D Biagas, Alexander S Hall, Alexis L Ritzer, Benjamin A Pierce
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During 10-weeks, visual-encounter surveys were conducted on the Georgetown salamander Eurycea naufragia at a spring pool in Williamson County, Texas. There was no significant difference in number of salamanders observed or percentage of objects used as cover between surveys in mornings and afternoons. Number of salamanders detected and percentage of objects used as cover were not correlated significantly with any environmental variable that was assessed. These results suggest that visual-encounter surveys conducted during daylight hours are not biased by time of day.

Durante un periodo de 10 semanas se realizaron muestreos visuales de la salamandra de Georgetown, Eurycea naufragia, en un manantial en el condado de Williamson, Texas. No hubo diferencias significativas en el número de salamandras observadas o el porcentaje de objetos utilizados como escondite entre los muestreos realizados durante las mañanas o las tardes. No existió ninguna correlación entre el número de salamandras encontradas ni el porcentaje de objetos utilizados como escondite con las otras variables ambientales que fueron medidas. Estos resultados sugieren que los muestreos visuales realizados durante el día no están sesgados entre las diferentes horas del día.

Tiffany D Biagas, Alexander S Hall, Alexis L Ritzer, and Benjamin A Pierce "Time of Day Does Not Affect Detection in Visual-Encounter Surveys of a Spring-Dwelling Salamander, Eurycea naufragia," The Southwestern Naturalist 57(2), 162-165, (1 June 2012).
Received: 12 January 2011; Accepted: 1 March 2012; Published: 1 June 2012
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