VOL. 103 · NO. 3 | August 2001

The Condor
Peter G. Ryan
The Condor 103 (3), 429-438, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0429:MHIAHB]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: color morphs, heritability, hybrids, islands, morphology, Nesospiza buntings, Tristan da Cunha
Patrick W. Zwartjes
The Condor 103 (3), 439-448, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0439:GSAMPO]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Black-whiskered Vireo, genetic structure, Island populations, RAPD, Red-eyed Vireo, Vireo altiloquus, Vireo olivaceus
Bettina Mahler, Pablo Luis Tubaro
The Condor 103 (3), 449-454, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0449:AOPIPA]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: attenuated primary, Columbidae, doves, flight, flight performance hypothesis
Steven C. Latta, John Faaborg
The Condor 103 (3), 455-468, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0455:WSFOPW]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: demographics, Dendroica discolor, Hispaniola, neotropical migrants, Prairie Warbler, site fidelity, winter ecology
Luigi Dall'Antonia, Gudmundur A. Gudmundsson, Silvano Benvenuti
The Condor 103 (3), 469-480, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0469:TAAFPO]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Alca torda, breeding, data-loggers, diving pattern, Iceland, Razorbill, time-budget
Grant Ballard, David G. Ainley, Christine A. Ribic, Kerry R. Barton
The Condor 103 (3), 481-490, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0481:EOIAAO]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: foraging, penguin, radio-transmitter, recorder, seabird, sea ice, weighbridge
Victoria A. Saab, Kerri T. Vierling
The Condor 103 (3), 491-501, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0491:RSOLSW]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: crown-burned forests, Lewis's woodpecker, Melanerpes lewis, nest success, Pinus ponderosa, Populus fremontii, source-sink habitats
Victoria J. Dreitz, Robert E. Bennetts, Brian Toland, Wiley M. Kitchens, Michael W. Collopy
The Condor 103 (3), 502-509, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0502:SATVIN]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: endangered species, Everglades, Florida, meta-analysis, nest success, Rostrhamus sociabilis, Snail Kite
Kurt Bollmann, Heinz-Ulrich Reyer
The Condor 103 (3), 510-520, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0510:RSOWPI]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Anthus spinoletta, breeding area, predation, reproductive success, time of breeding, variable environment, weather conditions
Viviana Massoni, Juan Carlos Reboreda
The Condor 103 (3), 521-529, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0521:NOCSAT]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Agelaius thilius, brood parasitism, colonial nesting, Molothrus bonariensis, nest failure, Shiny Cowbird, Yellow-winged Blackbird
Melissa N. Howard, Susan K. Skagen, Patricia L. Kennedy
The Condor 103 (3), 530-536, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0530:DHFINP]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: artificial nests, Conservation Reserve Program, habitat fragmentation, habitat structure, nest mortality, predation, shortgrass prairie
Cameron L. Aldridge, R. Mark Brigham
The Condor 103 (3), 537-543, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0537:NARAOG]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Canada, Centrocercus urophasianus, greater sage-grouse, nesting, reproductive effort, reproductive success
Alberto Velando, Juan Freire
The Condor 103 (3), 544-554, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0544:HGITCP]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: central-satellite, coloniality, European shag, nest site, Phalacrocorax aristotelis, seabirds, SPATIAL AUTOCORRELATION
Christopher E. Filardi, Sievert Rohwer
The Condor 103 (3), 555-569, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0555:LHIOCA]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: incomplete molt, life history, molt-breeding tradeoffs, Pelagic Cormorant, Phalacrocorax pelagicus, primary molt
Keith W. Sockman, Hubert Schwabl
The Condor 103 (3), 570-578, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0570:COCSLD]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Falco sparverius, incubation behavior, proximate control, reproductive effort, reproductive optimization, seasonal breeding
Kendell D. Jenkins, Dana M. Hawley, Christopher S. Farabaugh, Daniel A. Cristol
The Condor 103 (3), 579-586, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0579:PRDICO]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: dominance, feather growth, nutrition, ptilochronology, social status, Zonotrichia albicollis
Lisa A. Ellis, John D. Styrsky, Robert C. Dobbs, Charles F. Thompson
The Condor 103 (3), 587-591, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0587:FCAPOH]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: asynchronous hatching, degree of hatching synchrony, energetic-constraints hypothesis, House Wren, proximate-constraint hypothesis, synchronous hatching, Troglodytes aedon
André A. Dhondt, Wesley M. Hochachka
The Condor 103 (3), 592-598, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0592:VICUBB]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Aves, calcium use, experiment, North America, seasonal variation
A. Townsend Peterson
The Condor 103 (3), 599-605, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0599:PSGDBO]2.0.CO;2 Open Access
KEYWORDS: ecological niche, GARP, geographic distribution, GIS
Linda S. Schueck, John M. Marzluff, Karen Steenhof
The Condor 103 (3), 606-615, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0606:IOMAOR]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: avian conservation, behavior, foraging, human disturbance, military training, raptors
John M. Maniscalco, William D. Ostrand, Robert M. Suryan, David B. Irons
The Condor 103 (3), 616-619, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0616:PICBGW]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Black-legged Kittiwake, Glaucous-winged Gull, multispecies feeding flocks, passive interference competition, Prince William Sound
Steven E. Schwarzbach, John D. Henderson, Carmen M. Thomas, Joy D. Albertson
The Condor 103 (3), 620-624, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0620:OCAETI]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: California clapper rail, eggs, Organochlorines, San Francisco Bay
Scott M. Gende, Mary F. Willson
The Condor 103 (3), 624-629, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0624:PDIRFO]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: chironomids, forest passerines, Oncorhynchus, riparian, salmon
Monica Beth Swartz
The Condor 103 (3), 629-633, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0629:BCANBD]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: antbird, ant-following birds, army ants, Costa Rica, Eciton burchelli, woodcreeper
Magella Guillemette
The Condor 103 (3), 633-638, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0633:FBSMAB]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Common Eider, foraging performance, migration, reproduction, Somateria mollissima
Joel M. Budnik, Dirk E. Burhans, Mark R. Ryan, Frank R. Thompson III
The Condor 103 (3), 639-643, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0639:NDAANP]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Bell's Vireo, brood parasitism, brown-headed cowbird, Molothrus ater, nest desertion, nest protection, Vireo bellii
Amy A. Yackel Adams, Susan K. Skagen, Rod D. Adams
The Condor 103 (3), 643-647, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0643:MASOLB]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: brood division, Calamospiza melanocorys, Lark Bunting, post-fledging behavior, post-fledging survival, radio-telemetry
T. Andrew Hurly, Renée D. Scott, Susan D. Healy
The Condor 103 (3), 647-651, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0647:TFODOM]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: aggression, behavior, courtship, display, Rufous Hummingbird, Selasphorus rufus
Cheryl R. Dykstra, F. Bernard Daniel, Jeffrey L. Hays, Melinda M. Simon
The Condor 103 (3), 652-656, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0652:CORSHA]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Buteo jamaicensis, Buteo lineatus, habitat, Red-shouldered Hawk, red-tailed hawk, survey
Cameron L. Aldridge, Sara J. Oyler-McCance, R. Mark Brigham
The Condor 103 (3), 657-660, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0657:OOGSGS]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Alberta, DNA, greater sage-grouse, hybrid, sharp-tailed grouse
Bruce G. Peterjohn
The Condor 103 (3), 661-663, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0661:SCOTUO]2.0.CO;2 Open Access
KEYWORDS: avian distribution patterns, BBS, GARP models, North American Breeding Bird Survey, predictive distribution models, roadside surveys
The Condor 103 (3), 664-665, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0664:BR]2.0.CO;2 Open Access
No abstract available
The Condor 103 (3), 665-666, (1 August 2001) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2001)103[0665:BR]2.0.CO;2 Open Access
No abstract available
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