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23 June 2023 Turnera carolina (Turneraceae, Passifloraceae s.l.): A New Species from Chapada das Mesas, Maranhão, Northeastern Brazil
Maycon Jordan Costa da Silva, Lamarck Rocha, Alessandro W. C. Ferreira, André Vito Scatigna, Lucas C. Marinho
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Turnera carolina, a new species from Chapada das Mesas region in the Brazilian Cerrado, is described and illustrated. The new taxon can be characterized by having internodes up to 5 cm long, leaves with dark spots on both sides, petals that are smaller than the sepals, bracts and calyx that are usually reddish, and an orange corolla. We also present a distribution map, illustrations, field photos, comments on taxonomy, and an identification key to the species of Turnera from Chapada das Mesas National Park and surroundings.

Maycon Jordan Costa da Silva, Lamarck Rocha, Alessandro W. C. Ferreira, André Vito Scatigna, and Lucas C. Marinho "Turnera carolina (Turneraceae, Passifloraceae s.l.): A New Species from Chapada das Mesas, Maranhão, Northeastern Brazil," Systematic Botany 48(2), 300-306, (23 June 2023).
Published: 23 June 2023
Turnera ser. Leiocarpae
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