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25 August 2023 A New Polygonatum, P. bifolium species (Asparagaceae: Nolinoideae: Polygonateae) from Myanmar and a Checklist of the Species Known to Occur There
Aaron Floden, Thet Yu Nwe, Kate E. Armstrong
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A new species of Polygonatum Mill., P. bifolium Floden & K. Armstr. (Asparagaceae), is described and illustrated from northern Myanmar, Kachin State, Putao District. Polygonatum bifolium is highly distinctive in that the mature plant consists of two opposite leaves with a single flower borne between these. It occurs as an epiphyte at mid-elevations from ca. 2000 to 2500 m. It is the smallest species of Polygonatum thus far discovered. A conservation assessment is provided based on the available data and several collections with a proposed IUCN status of Vulnerable [VU D2]. We provide a preliminary list of the described species that are known to be present in Myanmar and taxonomic notes on each. Lastly, we provide a lectotypification for P. nervulosum Baker, which should be expected in Myanmar.

Aaron Floden, Thet Yu Nwe, and Kate E. Armstrong "A New Polygonatum, P. bifolium species (Asparagaceae: Nolinoideae: Polygonateae) from Myanmar and a Checklist of the Species Known to Occur There," Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature 31(1), 169-177, (25 August 2023).
Published: 25 August 2023
Hponganrazi Wildlife Sanctuary
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