2nd Congress of the European Federation for Primatology. September 3 to 7. The second congress of the European Federation for Primatology (EFP) will be organised by the Czech Group of Primatologists at the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague. This Congress aims to step in the future by inviting also those colleagues who are able to present anthropological topics interesting for primatologists and thus to encourage an interdisciplinary discussion among primatologists and anthropologists. The themes will be: Primate genetics, Primate ethology and socio-biology, Primate evolution and paleoathropology and Primate ecology and conservation among others. For more information and registration go to: < http://www.unipv.it/webbio/efp/efp_prague2007.pdf>, or visit the web page: < www.pedf.cuni.cz/kbio/efp>.

The 25th Annual Symposium for nonhuman primate models for AIDS. September 10 to 13, California National Primate Research Center, University of California, Davis. The main objective is to serve as a scientific forum for the dissemination and exchange of new research findings, ideas, and to utilize the knowledge gained from these crucial nonhuman primate studies to better understand how HIV and SIV cause disease, and to facilitate the development of new methods for the treatment, control and prevention of AIDS in human populations. The symposium will focus on the biology of primate lentivirus infection and the use of nonhuman primate models for the study of viral pathogenesis, vaccines, and therapeutic approaches against primate lentivirus infection and disease; primate genomics; viral agents associated with simian acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; and the mechanisms of natural resistance in several primate species to endemic primate lentiviral infection. All scientists interested in HIV/AIDS and related research topics are invited to participate. For more information go to: < http://www.cnprc.ucdavis.edu/NHPM2007/>.

III Congreso Mexicano de Primatología. Octubre 24 al 27. La Asociación Mexicana de Primatología convoca al Tercer Congreso Mexicano de Primatología, el cual se llevará a cabo en el auditorio del Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, México DF. Las temáticas que se abordarán serán: Antropología Biológica / Psicología Evolutiva; Ecología Conductual / Etología; Conservación; Primatología Médica. Para mayor información visite: < http://www.amp-ac.org.mx>,Dudas: <ampmexico2004@yahoo.com.mx>.

XI Congreso de la Sociedad Mesoamericana para la Biología de la Conservación. Noviembre 26 al 30. La Sociedad Mesoamericana para la Biología y la Conservación invita a su XI Congreso: “Uniendo esfuerzos para enfrentar los retos del cambio climáatico en México y Mesoamérica”, el cual se llevará a cabo en Cocoyoc, Morelos México. Durante este magno evento y con la participatión de la comunidad mesoamericana, se presentarán y discutirán temas relevantes y actuales sobre biodiversidad, cambio climático y conservatión que son importantes para científicos, pueblos indígenas, tomadores de decisiones y representantes de comunidades. El objetivo general del congreso es aportar e integrar conocimientos y herramientas para el desarrollo sostenible, la formación de capacidades y la gestión de los recursos naturales de la región Mesoamericana, especialmente en el contexto del cambio climático. Para mayores informes visitar: < http://www.socmesoamericana.org/ev.php>.

VIII Curso Latino-americano de Biología da Conservação e Manejo da Vida Silvestre. Novembre 06 a 12 de Dezembro. Na última década o Curso Latino Americano de Biologia da Conservação e Manejo da Vida Silvestre vem contribuindo para a formação de profissionais comprometidos com a conservação da diversidade socioambiental da América Latina. Durante as cinco semanas de capacitação os participantes compartilham experiências com renomados profissionais que atuam nas diferentes esferas da Biologia da Conservação. O conteúdo programático deste curso trata primeiramente de uma abordagem conceitual teórica, seguido de metodologias e ferramentas úteis em estudos de campo e por último, estudos de caso nos quais os alunos vivenciarão a realidade de um programa de conservação na região do Pontal do Paranapanema. As aulas serão ministradas na sede do IPÊ, em Nazaré Paulista — SP e no município de Teodoro Sampaio — SP. Para mais informação visit o web page: < http://www.ipe.org.br/html/cursos.asp?mes=Novembro&id=104>.

Animal Training and Behavior Through Positive Reinforcement — Further Challenging and Advanced Issues.December 7 to 9, Munich, Germany. The seminar will be imparted by Ken Ramirez, vice president for animal collections and animal training; he develops and supervises animal-care programs, staff training and development as well as public presentation programs for the animal collection at Shedd Aquarium. The Seminar will include themes related to operant conditioning, training situations and problem solving with positive reinforcement. For more information visit: < http://www.clickerreiter.de/KenRamirez1.htm>.

6.- Göttinger Freilandtage. Primate Behavior and Human Universals. December 11 to 14, Göttingen, Germany. This conference aims to bring together primatologists, evolutionary anthropologists and psychologists to summarise our current state of knowledge concerning behavioural variation and its determinants within the order Primates, including humans. Specifically, it will focus on three aspects: (1) comparative studies of behavioural adaptations across (human and non-human) primates that examine evolutionary principles, (2) the ability and failures of evolutionary theory to explain human behavioural traits that affect survival and reproduction, and (3) to identify and explain human behavioural universals. For additional details contact Prof. Dr. Peter Kappeler <gft@gwdg.de> or visit the web page: < http://www.soziobio.uni-goettingen.de/welcome.html>.


III Conferência Nacional do Meio Ambiante. Em maio de 2008 será realizada a “III Conferência Nacional do Meio Ambiente”, cujo objetivo será construir um espaço de convergência social para a formulação de uma agenda nacional do meio ambiente, por intermédio da mobilização, educação e ampliação da participação popular, com vistas ao estabelecimento de uma política de desenvolvimento sustentável para o País. Afinal, a definição de políticas públicas para um Brasil sustentável depende de mudanças na forma de atuação das esferas governamentais, do setor produtivo, das organizações da sociedade, chegando ao cotidiano de cada cidadão. Em suas edições, a Conferência coloca para a sociedade temas estratégicos para o País, que visam a conservação da biodiversidade, da água, do clima e dos recursos energéticos, com vistas ao desenvolvimento sustentável, levando em consideração que é possível sim crescer sem degradar a natureza. Quem quiser enviar textos para compor a Comissão Nacional, pode enviá-los até dia 15 de dezembro para <arletegenrich@yahoo.com.br>. Informações sobre a Conferência Nacional em < www.mma.gov.br/conferencia-nacional> ou pelo e-mail <cnma@mma.gov.br>.

9th Student Conference on Conservation Science. March 25 to 27, 2008. Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. The SCCS is aimed at young researchers working in universities departments, conservation organisations, or resource management agencies. Approximately 170 postgraduate students attend the conference each year, from a broad range of disciplines in conservation, including ecology, geography, sociology and economics. The most important part of the three-day programme will be poster sessions and 33 fifteen minute talks by students on any aspect of conservation science. There will also be workshops, presentations by conservation NGOs and agencies and social events designed to give participants the opportunity to make new contacts in their own and related disciplines. Prizes are awarded to posters and talks of outstanding quality and relevance to conservation. For more information and applications go to: < www.sccs-cam.org>.

22nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Conservation Biology. The 22nd annual meeting of the SCB will be held at the Chattanooga Convention Center, Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA, from July 13 to 17, 2008. The chair of the meeting will be Dr. David A. Aborn, from the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. As evidenced by several previous meeting themes, there are connections among many aspects of the environment and its conservation, and recognizing those connections is critical for achieving the goals of conservation biology. To that end, the theme for the 2008 SCB annual meeting “From the mountains to the sea” will examine several major ecosystems, both as separate components and as a connected entity. For more information and submission dates, go to: < www.conbio.org/2008/>.

XXIInd IPS Congress. August 3 to 8, 2008, Edinburgh International Conference Center, Edinburgh, Scotland. Sponsored by the Primate Society of Great Britain. Abstracts for oral and poster presentations must be submitted by 30th November 2007. For information consult the web site: < http://www.ips2008.co.uk/index.html>.

XXth International Congress of Zoology. August 26 to 29, Jussieu Grand Campus, Paris, France. Held every four years, the International Congress of Zoology gives zoologists and professionals from all fields related to zoology the chance to come together to discuss the current status of zoology and to share ideas about future development of all its disciplines. The International Society of Zoological Sciences (ISZS) and the Societe Zoologique de France invite you to the XX International Congress of Zoology. It will be co-hosted by the Universities Pierre et Marie Curie (PVI), Paris-Sud (PXI) and the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Registration will open on 1st December 2007. For information about the Congress, please visit: < http://icz2008.snv.jussieu.fr> or < http://www.globalzoology.org/index-new/20icz.htm>.

"2007," Neotropical Primates 14(2), 99-101, (1 August 2007). https://doi.org/10.1896/044.014.0214
Published: 1 August 2007
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