VOL. 17 · NO. 3 | June 2006

Articles (16)
Journal of Vegetation Science
Fernando T. Maestre, Mark A. Bradford, James F. Reynolds
Journal of Vegetation Science 17 (3), 261-270, (1 June 2006) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2006)017[0261:SHACCJ]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Lolium perenne, Microcosm, Nutrient heterogeneity, Plantago lanceolata, Poa pratensis, species richness, Species composition
Wendy A. Thompson, David J. Eldridge, Stephen P. Bonser
Journal of Vegetation Science 17 (3), 271-280, (1 June 2006) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2006)017[0271:SOBSCC]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Callitris glaucophylla, Cryptogam, diversity, Non-vascular plant, Semi-arid woodland, Soil lichen
Riyou Tsujino, Hino Takafumi, Naoki Agetsuma, Takakazu Yumoto
Journal of Vegetation Science 17 (3), 281-290, (1 June 2006) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2006)17[281:VITGMA]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: demography, Distribution type, Evergreen broad-leaved forest, Index of convexity, Vegetation diversification
J. B. van Hulzen, J. van Soelen, P. M J. Herman, T. J. Bouma
Journal of Vegetation Science 17 (3), 291-298, (1 June 2006) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2006)017[0291:TSOSAT]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Carbon reserves, disturbance, gap dynamics, patch dynamics, Salicornia europaea, Spartina anglica
Frédéric Archaux, Frédéric Gosselin, Laurent Bergès, Richard Chevalier
Journal of Vegetation Science 17 (3), 299-306, (1 June 2006) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2006)017[0299:EOSTSR]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Forest vegetation, Quadrat, sampling bias, Vascular plant
Stefan Laube, Gerhard Zotz
Journal of Vegetation Science 17 (3), 307-314, (1 June 2006) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2006)017[0307:LCOTVE]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Community stability, dispersal limitation, Host tree, mortality
G. T. Barthram, D. A. Elston, J. H. Griffiths, G. R. Bolton, G. Wright
Journal of Vegetation Science 17 (3), 315-322, (1 June 2006) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2006)017[0315:WVITVS]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: grassland, guerrilla, phalanx, Species mobility, Vegetative invasion
A. Altesor, G. Piñeiro, F. Lezama, R. B. Jackson, M. Sarasola, J. M. Paruelo
Journal of Vegetation Science 17 (3), 323-332, (1 June 2006) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2006)017[0323:ECAWGI]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Oribatide, Plant functional type, Soil attribute, species richness, Uruguay
Kristoffer Hylander, Mats Dynesius
Journal of Vegetation Science 17 (3), 333-346, (1 June 2006) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2006)017[0333:COTLVI]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: gradient, habitat, headwater stream, liverwort, moss, Nested subset, niche, ordination, PCA, pH, RANDNEST, Riparian forest, species turnover, substrate
Fumiko Shirakura, Kiyoshi Sasaki, José Ramón Arévalo, Michael W. Palmer
Journal of Vegetation Science 17 (3), 347-352, (1 June 2006) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2006)017[0347:TDOQSA]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: coexistence, disturbance, logistic regression, red oak, Tornado, tree mortality, White oak, Windstorm
Francisco M. Azcárate, Begoña Peco
Journal of Vegetation Science 17 (3), 353-360, (1 June 2006) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2006)017[0353:EOSPBA]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Annual species, granivory, Messor barbarus, seed predation
E. A. Boughton, P. F. Quintana-Ascencio, E. S. Menges, R. K. Boughton
Journal of Vegetation Science 17 (3), 361-368, (1 June 2006) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2006)017[0361:AOEWRE]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Boundary, Dissimilarity coefficient, Landscape gradient, Monte Carlo simulation, ordination, Split moving window, Time since fire, Transition zone, vegetation change
R. M. Holdo
Journal of Vegetation Science 17 (3), 369-378, (1 June 2006) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2006)017[0369:TGIAAW]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: elephant, fire, Kalahari sand, Savanna dynamics, Stochastic rainfall, Tree architecture, Zimbabwe
Georges Kunstler, Thomas Curt, Monique Bouchaud, Jacques Lepart
Journal of Vegetation Science 17 (3), 379-388, (1 June 2006) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2006)017[0379:IFACIT]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Allocation, Fagus sylvatica, growth, Herb competition, mortality, Quercus pubescens, Root morphology
Debra P. C. Peters, Jin Yao, James R. Gosz
Journal of Vegetation Science 17 (3), 389-396, (1 June 2006) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2006)017[0389:WPIAAA]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Biome transition, Chihuahuan Desert, ecotone, invasive species, patch dynamics, Patch structure, shortgrass steppe
Lawrence R. Walker, Peter J. Bellingham, Duane A. Peltzer
Journal of Vegetation Science 17 (3), 397-406, (1 June 2006) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2006)017[0397:PCAPPO]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Dispersal mode, Filter, floodplain, functional group, growth form, native, New Zealand, nitrogen fixation, non-native, Surface contour
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