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1 July 2018 Comparison on Eco-Compensation between the Domestic and International Studies
Liu Guihuan, Ma Ya, Wen Yihui, Zhu Yuanyuan, Xie Jing
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Because it offers an effective means to alleviate current ecological problems and a way to coordinate sustainable economic and social development with protection of the environment, eco-compensation has become a subject of interest to scholars and governments all over the world. A great many studies have been carried out and eco-compensation schemes have been put into practice; there have been many fruitful results. Based on a review of related research and practices, this paper attempts first to discuss domestic and international eco-compensation research and practices in terms of the meaning of eco-compensation and its components (stakeholders, compensation criteria, compensation modes, compensation approaches, compensation funds, and compensation effects). Next, taking into consideration the above discussion, the paper looks at the differences between Chinese and international eco-compensation measures. Finally, existing problems with eco-compensation research and practices in China are summarized and some suggestions are put forward.

Liu Guihuan, Ma Ya, Wen Yihui, Zhu Yuanyuan, and Xie Jing "Comparison on Eco-Compensation between the Domestic and International Studies," Journal of Resources and Ecology 9(4), 382-394, (1 July 2018).
Received: 22 August 2017; Accepted: 22 January 2018; Published: 1 July 2018
compensation cases
compensation connotation
compensation factors
eco-compensation mechanism
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