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1 March 2010 New North American Record for Xyleborinus andrewesi (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae)
Katherine Elizabeth Okins, Michael C. Thomas
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The ambrosia beetle Xyleborinus andrewesi is widely distributed throughout the Old World tropics (Browne 1961). It is not native to the New World, but has been reported from Hawaii (Cognato & Rubinoff 2008), Cuba (Bright &Skidmore 2002), and Jamaica (Wood & Bright 1992). We report it for the first time from the United States, based on a collection in North Ft. Myers, Lee County, Florida.

Thirty-four beetles were reared from a section of a branch taken from sugar apple (Annona squamosa L.). Voucher specimens are deposited in the Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Gainesville, Florida.

Fig. 1.

Xyleborinus andrewesi (Blandford), dorsal, oblique, and lateral views.


Xyleborinus andrewesi is a small, dark red-dish-brown, elongate-cylindrical beetle about 2 mm long. It is easily distinguished from the 2 other Florida species of Xyleborinus by the subacuminate elytra and rows of numerous strong, acuminate tubercles on the first and third interstriae (Fig. 1).

Xyleborinus andrewesi is not host-specific (Beaver & Browne 1975). Only 1 host is currently confirmed from the U.S., Annona squamosa L. (sugar apple, custard apple, sweetsop), which is a new family host record for Annonaceae. However, Xyleborinus andrewesi has been recorded from 59 hosts in 29 families worldwide (Beeson 1941; Browne 1961; Schedl 1962; Wood & Bright 1992).

Also reared from the same wood were 4 other scolytines, Xylosandrus crassiusculus (Motschulsky) and Xyleborinus saxesenii (Ratzeburg) (both introduced Asian species), and Xyleborus affinis Eichhoff and Hypothenemus squamosus (Hopkins) (both native species).

Xyleborinus andrewesi has been recorded previously (Wood & Bright 1992) from: Andaman Islands, Bangladesh, Burma, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaya, Micronesia, Nepal, New Guinea, Philippine Islands, Ryukyu Islands, Seychelles Islands, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, and New Zealand (the latter is an incorrect record, according to Brockerhoff et al. 2003). It has been reported from Africa, with single records from Kenya and Zambia, but it has not been found there recently (Beaver & Browne 1975, 1978). It was introduced to Cuba (Bright & Skidmore 2002), Hawaii (Cognato & Rubinoff 2008), Jamaica (Wood & Bright 1992), and Thailand (Beaver & Browne 1975).

We thank Dr. Robert Rabaglia, U.S. Forest Service, for confirming the identification. This is Entomology Contribution No. 1166 of the Bureau of Entomology, Neonatology and Plant Pathology, Division of Plant Industry, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.


The ambrosia beetle Xyleborinus andrewesi (Blandford) is recorded from North America for the first time. It was reared from a section of sugar apple (Annona squamosa L.) collected in North Fort Myers, Lee Co., Florida.



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R. A. Beaver , and F. G. Browne 1978. The Scolytidae and Platypodidae (Coleoptera) of Penang, Malaysia. Oriental Insects 12: 575–624. Google Scholar


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D. E. Bright , and R. E. Skidmore 2002. A Catalog of Scolytidae and Platypodidae (Coleoptera), Supplement 2 (1995–1999). NRC Research Press, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 523 p. Google Scholar


E. G. Brockerhoff , M. Knizek , and J. Bain 2003. Checklist of indigenous and adventive bark and ambrosia beetles (Curculionidae: Scolytinae and Platypodinae) of New Zealand and interceptions of exotic species (1952–2000). New Zealand Entomologist 26:29–44. Google Scholar


F. G. Browne 1961. The biology of Malayan Scolytidae and Platypodidae. Malayan Forest Records 22: i–xi and 1–255. Google Scholar


A. I. Cognato , and D. Rubinoff 2008. New Exotic Ambrosia Beetles Found in Hawaii (Curculionidae: Scolytinae: Xyleborina). Coleopterists Bulletin 62: 421–424. Google Scholar


K. E. Schedl 1962. Scolytidae und Platypodidae Afrikas. Revista de Entomologia Moçambique 5:1–1352. Google Scholar


S. L. Wood , and D. E. Bright 1992. A Catalog of Scolytidae and Platypodidae (Coleoptera), Part 2: Taxonomic Index, Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs No. 13. Brigham Young University, Provo. 1553 pp. Google Scholar
Katherine Elizabeth Okins and Michael C. Thomas "New North American Record for Xyleborinus andrewesi (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae)," Florida Entomologist 93(1), 133-134, (1 March 2010).
Published: 1 March 2010
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