VOL. 99 · NO. 1 | April 2011

Articles (12)
Ronny Steen, Line M. Løw, Geir A. Sonerud, Vidar Selås, Tore Slagsvold
Ardea 99 (1), 1-8, (1 April 2011) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.099.0101 Open Access
KEYWORDS: brood size, Eurasian Kestrel, Falco tinnunculus, nestling, prey consumption, prey delivery rate, prey mass
R. Probst, H.L. Nemeschkal, M. McGrady, M. Tucakov, T. Szép
Ardea 99 (1), 9-16, (1 April 2011) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.099.0102 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Hobby, Sand Martin, prey phenology, living in groups, hunting and escape techniques, predation success
Ricardo Tomé, Maria P. Dias, Ana Cláudia Chumbinho, Carolina Bloise
Ardea 99 (1), 17-26, (1 April 2011) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.099.0103 Open Access
KEYWORDS: foraging behaviour, hunting success, optimal search height, visual detection, acoustic detection
Beata Czyż
Ardea 99 (1), 27-32, (1 April 2011) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.099.0104 Open Access
KEYWORDS: female decision, game theory, male removal, offspring desertion, Parental care, Penduline Tit, Remiz pendulinus
Jacopo G. Cecere, Laura Cornara, Serena Mezzetta, Andrea Ferri, Fernando Spina, Luigi Boitani
Ardea 99 (1), 33-42, (1 April 2011) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.099.0105 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Brassica, citrus, Eucalyptus, nectar feeding, nectarivores, pollen vectors, Sylvia
Yahkat Barshep, Clive Minton, Les G. Underhill, Magdalena Remisiewicz
Ardea 99 (1), 43-51, (1 April 2011) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.099.0106 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Calidris ferruginea, Curlew Sandpiper, breeding success, moult onset, carry-over effect
Csongor I. Vágási, Péter L. Pap, Jácint Tökölyi, Edina Székely, Zoltán Barta
Ardea 99 (1), 53-60, (1 April 2011) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.099.0107 Open Access
KEYWORDS: annual cycle, fault bar, feather deformities, feather hole, feather wear, flight feather quality, Parus major
José Alfredo Castillo-Guerrero, Miguel A. Guevara-Medina, Eric Mellink
Ardea 99 (1), 61-71, (1 April 2011) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.099.0108 Open Access
KEYWORDS: breeding ecology, environmental fluctuation, El Niño Southern Oscillation, chick growth, Sinaloa, Mexico
Elena L. Zozaya, Lluís Brotons, Sara Vallecillo
Ardea 99 (1), 73-84, (1 April 2011) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.099.0109 Open Access
KEYWORDS: conservation value, large fires, open-habitat bird species, Pinus nigra, regeneration patterns, shrubland
André Konter
Ardea 99 (1), 85-92, (1 April 2011) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.099.0110 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Podiceps cristatus, colonial breeding, Aggressiveness, costly aggression, change in behaviour, habituation, pre-egg laying, egg laying, clutch completion
Noelia Albano, José A. Masero, Juan M. Sánchez-Guzmán, Auxiliadora Villegas, Francisco Santiago-Quesada
Ardea 99 (1), 93-101, (1 April 2011) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.099.0111 Open Access
KEYWORDS: assimilation efficiency, chicks, delayed growth, diet, Gull-billed Tern, logistic growth model, macronutrients, migratory birds
Minna Ruokonen, Tomas Aarvak
Ardea 99 (1), 103-112, (1 April 2011) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.099.0112 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Bean Goose, Anser fabalis, Middendorff's Goose Anser middendorffii, oatesi, mentalis, johanseni, neglectus, curtus
Short notes
Alejandro Onrubia, Antonio-Román Muñoz, Gonzalo M. Arroyo, Juan Ramírez, Andrés de la Cruz, Luis Barrios, Bernd-U. Meyburg, Christiane Meyburg, Torsten Langgemach
Ardea 99 (1), 113-116, (1 April 2011) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.099.0113 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Lesser Spotted Eagle, Aquila pomarina, migration, Strait of Gibraltar
Arne Hegemann, Rob Voesten
Ardea 99 (1), 117-120, (1 April 2011) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.099.0114 Open Access
KEYWORDS: avian brood parasites, brood parasitism, evolutionary host-parasite arms races, nestling discrimination, nestling ejection, parasitizing
Book Reviews
Gert Ottens, Raymond Klaassen, Rob G. Bijlsma
Ardea 99 (1), 121-123, (1 April 2011) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.099.0115 Open Access
No abstract available
PhD-Dissertation Reviews
Popko Wiersma
Ardea 99 (1), 124-126, (1 April 2011) https://doi.org/10.5253/078.099.0116 Open Access
No abstract available
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