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1 December 2017 Taxonomic Relationships of Hynobius stejnegeri and H. yatsui, with Description of the Amber-Colored Salamander from Kyushu, Japan (Amphibia: Caudata)
Masafumi Matsui, Kanto Nishikawa, Atsushi Tominaga
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Examination of the holotype of Hynobius stejnegeri Dunn, 1923 revealed that the species is identical with H. yatsui Oyama, 1947, recently resurrected from H. naevius (Temminck and Schlegel, 1838). The name H. yatsui is therefore relegated to a subjective junior synonym of H. stejnegeri. The latter name, however, has been widely applied to an amber-colored or tortoise-shell salamander from Kyushu, southwestern Japan, which now requires a new name. We, thus, describe the ambercolored salamander as a new species Hynobius ikioi. The new species is phylogenetically very close to H. amakusaensis Nishikawa and Matsui, 2014 and H. osumiensis Nishikawa and Matsui, 2014, both also from Kyushu, but is easily distinguished from them by its uniquely bi-colored dorsum.

© 2017 Zoological Society of Japan
Masafumi Matsui, Kanto Nishikawa, and Atsushi Tominaga "Taxonomic Relationships of Hynobius stejnegeri and H. yatsui, with Description of the Amber-Colored Salamander from Kyushu, Japan (Amphibia: Caudata)," Zoological Science 34(6), 538-545, (1 December 2017).
Received: 2 March 2017; Accepted: 1 June 2017; Published: 1 December 2017
Hynobius ikioi
new species
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