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1 October 2012 Effect of Scattered and Discrete Hydramethylnon Bait Placement on the Asian Needle Ant
Eleanor Spicer Rice, Jonathan Z. Shik, Jules Silverman
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The Asian needle ant (Pachycondyla chinensis Emery) is invading natural and disturbed habitats across the eastern United States. While recent studies document the impact of P. chinensis on native ecosystems and human health, effective control measures remain unknown. Thus, we evaluated the field performance of a hydramethylnon granular bait, Maxforce Complete Granular Insect Bait, dispersed in clumps or scattered against P. chinensis. We also measured the effect of this bait on P. chinensis outside of the treatment zone. Surprisingly, unlike reports for other ant species, we achieved nearly complete P. chinensis population reductions 1 d after treatments were applied. Significant ant reductions were achieved until the end of our study at 28 d. No difference was recorded between clumped and scattered application methods. We found no overall difference in ant reductions from the edge out to 5 m beyond the treatment zone. Other local ant species appeared to be unaffected by the bait and foraging activity increased slightly after P. chinensis removal from treated areas. We suggest that Maxforce Complete Granular Insect Bait can be effective in an Asian needle ant treatment program.

© 2012 Entomological Society of America
Eleanor Spicer Rice, Jonathan Z. Shik, and Jules Silverman "Effect of Scattered and Discrete Hydramethylnon Bait Placement on the Asian Needle Ant," Journal of Economic Entomology 105(5), 1751-1757, (1 October 2012).
Received: 21 May 2012; Accepted: 1 July 2012; Published: 1 October 2012

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Asian needle ant
granular bait
Pachycondyla chinensis
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