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1 November 2007 Systematic Collection of Bear–human Interaction Information for Alaska's National Parks
James M. Wilder, Terry D. DeBruyn, Tom S. Smith, Angie Southwould
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We present a database application designed to standardize the collection and entry of brown and black bear (Ursus arctos and U. americanus)human interaction data, formalize data storage methods, and analyze patterns of bearhuman interactions in Alaska's National Parks. The National Park Service Alaska Region BearHuman Information Management System (BHIMS) facilitates the systematic collection of biologically relevant data, consolidates bear management information, helps identify management priorities, facilitates the development of science-based bear management plans, helps evaluate the effectiveness of management strategies, helps provide more effective bear safety messages, creates permanent digital copies of original data, establishes bear management institutional memory, and ultimately improves bear conservation and human safety. The BHIMS can be modified for use in other locales and has applicability to bear management across North America.

James M. Wilder, Terry D. DeBruyn, Tom S. Smith, and Angie Southwould "Systematic Collection of Bear–human Interaction Information for Alaska's National Parks," Ursus 18(2), 209-216, (1 November 2007).[209:SCOBII]2.0.CO;2
Received: 24 February 2006; Accepted: 1 March 2007; Published: 1 November 2007
American black bear
bear–human interaction
brown bear
GIS, Lake Clark National Park
national parks
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