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1 July 2012 Azolla cristata in the Kashmir Himalaya
Burhan Ahad, Zafar A. Reshi, Aijaz H. Ganaie, A. R. Yousuf
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The identity of Azolla species in the Kashmir Valley has been confusing, with most populations being reported as Azolla pinnata. Morphological evidence demonstrates that the species introduced to Kashmir is not A. pinnata, but rather Azolla cristata, a new species for the Kashmir Valley and a potentially problematic biological invader.

Burhan Ahad, Zafar A. Reshi, Aijaz H. Ganaie, and A. R. Yousuf "Azolla cristata in the Kashmir Himalaya," American Fern Journal 102(3), 224-227, (1 July 2012).
Published: 1 July 2012
Azolla caroliniana
Azolla cristata
Azolla filiculoides
invasive species
Kashmir Valley
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