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1 March 2015 Control of Volunteer Glyphosate-Resistant Canola in Glyphosate-Resistant Sugar Beet
Vipan Kumar, Prashant Jha
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Occurrence of glyphosate-resistant (GR) canola volunteers in GR sugar beet is a management concern for growers in the Northern Great Plains. Field experiments were conducted at the Southern Agricultural Research Center near Huntley, MT, in 2011 and 2012 to evaluate effective herbicide programs to control volunteer GR canola in GR sugar beet. Single POST application of triflusulfuron methyl alone at the two-leaf stage of sugar beet was more effective at 35 compared with 17.5 g ai ha−1. However, rate differences were not evident when triflusulfuron methyl was applied as a sequential POST (two-leaf followed by [fb] six-leaf stage of sugar beet) program (17.5 fb 17.5 or 35 fb 35 g ha−1). Volunteer GR canola plants in the sequential POST triflusulfuron methyl–containing treatments produced little biomass (11 to 15% of nontreated plots) but a significant amount of seeds (160 to 661 seeds m−2). Ethofumesate (4,200 g ai ha−1) PRE followed by sequential POST triflusulfuron methyl (17.5 or 35 g ha−1) provided effective control (94 to 98% at 30 d after treatment [DAT]), biomass reduction (97%), and seed prevention of volunteer GR canola. There was no additional advantage of adding either desmedipham phenmedipham ethofumesate premix (44.7 g ha−1) or ethofumesate (140 g ha−1) to the sequential POST triflusulfuron methyl–only treatments. The sequential POST ethofumesate-only (140 fb 140 g ha−1) treatment provided poor volunteer GR canola control at 30 DAT, and the noncontrolled plants produced 6,361 seeds m−2, which was comparable to the nontreated control (7,593 seeds m−2). Sequential POST triflusulfuron methyl–containing treatments reduced GR sugar beet root and sucrose yields to 18 and 20%, respectively. Consistent with GR canola control, sugar beet root and sucrose yields were highest (95 and 91% of hand-weeded plots, respectively) when the sequential POST triflusulfuron methyl–containing treatments were preceded by ethofumesate (4,200 g ha−1) PRE. Growers should utilize these effective herbicide programs to control volunteer GR canola in GR sugar beet. Because of high canola seed production potential, as evident from this research, control efforts should be aimed at preventing seed bank replenishment of the GR canola volunteers.

Nomenclature: Desmedipham; ethofumesate; glyphosate; phenmedipham; triflusulfuron methyl; canola, Brassica napus L.; sugar beet, Beta vulgaris L.

La presencia de colza resistente a glyphosate (GR) voluntaria representa una preocupación para el manejo del cultivo para los productores de remolacha azucarera GR en las Grandes Planicies del Norte. Se realizaron experimentos de campo en el Centro de Investigación Agrícola del Sur cerca de Huntley, Montana, en 2011 y 2012, para evaluar la efectividad de programas de herbicidas para el control de colza GR voluntaria en campos de remolacha azucarera GR. Una sola aplicación POST de triflusulfuron methyl en el estadio de dos hojas de la remolacha fue más efectiva a 35 que a 17.5 g ai ha−1. Sin embargo, las diferencias en entre las dosis no fueron evidentes cuando triflusulfuron methyl fue aplicado con un programa secuencial POST (aplicación en el estadio de dos hojas seguido de [fb] aplicación en el estadio de seis hojas de la remolacha, a 17.5 fb 17.5, ó 35 fb 35 g ha−1). En los tratamientos POST secuenciales con triflusulfuron methyl, las plantas voluntarias de colza GR produjeron poca biomasa (11 a 15% en comparación con las parcelas sin tratamiento), pero sí una cantidad significativa de semilla (160 a 661 semillas m−2). Ethofumesate (4,200 g ai ha−1) PRE seguido de triflusulfuron methyl POST secuencial (17.5 ó 35 g ha−1) brindó un contr

Vipan Kumar and Prashant Jha "Control of Volunteer Glyphosate-Resistant Canola in Glyphosate-Resistant Sugar Beet," Weed Technology 29(1), 93-100, (1 March 2015).
Received: 9 June 2014; Accepted: 1 October 2014; Published: 1 March 2015
Crop volunteer
glyphosate-resistant canola
glyphosate-resistant sugar beet
herbicide efficacy
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