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1 October 2010 Lanceleaf Sage (Salvia reflexa) Interference in Sugarbeet
Dennis C. Odero, Abdel O. Mesbah, Stephen D. Miller, Andrew R. Kniss
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Field studies were conducted in Powell, WY, in 2006 and 2007 to determine the influence of season-long interference of various lanceleaf sage densities and durations of interference on sugarbeet. The rectangular hyperbola model with the asymptote (A) constrained to 100% maximum yield loss characterized the relationship between lanceleaf sage density and sugarbeet yield loss. The estimated parameter I (yield loss per unit weed density as density approaches zero) was 3% for both root and sucrose yield loss. Increasing duration of lanceleaf sage interference had a negative effect on sugarbeet root yield. The critical timing of weed removal to avoid 5 and 10% root yield loss was 37 and 52 d after sugarbeet emergence, respectively. Lanceleaf sage interference did not affect percentage of sucrose content. These results indicate that lanceleaf sage is not as competitive as other weeds but that appropriate control measures should be undertaken to minimize sugarbeet yield loss from interference.

Nomenclature: Lanceleaf sage, Salvia reflexa Hornem. SALRE; sugarbeet, Beta vulgaris L.

Dennis C. Odero, Abdel O. Mesbah, Stephen D. Miller, and Andrew R. Kniss "Lanceleaf Sage (Salvia reflexa) Interference in Sugarbeet," Weed Technology 24(4), 557-561, (1 October 2010).
Received: 1 February 2010; Accepted: 30 March 2010; Published: 1 October 2010
rectangular hyperbolic model
timing of removal
weed density
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