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1 May 2016 A new Afrotropical genus of Plokiophilidae with a new free-living species from Madagascar (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)
Pavel Štys, Petr Baňař
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A new genus, Neoplokioides Štys & Baňař gen. nov. (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Plokiophilidae: Plokiophilinae), is established for those species of Plokiophiloides Carayon, 1974 possessing copulatory tubes in females ( = Plokiophiloides tubifer-group sensu Štys, 1991). Neoplokioides includes the Afrotropical species N. tubifer (Carayon, 1974) comb. nov. (type species), N. biforis (Carayon, 1974) comb. nov., and N. raunoi sp. nov. from Eastern Madagascar. The female paragenitalia of N. raunoi are described and illustrated. All specimens of N. raunoi were collected as free living in evergreen rain forests, not associated with spider or embiid webs. Key to species of Plokiophiloides and Neoplokioides is provided, and their biology, zoogeography, relationships and female genital systems are discussed.

New York Entomological Society
Pavel Štys and Petr Baňař "A new Afrotropical genus of Plokiophilidae with a new free-living species from Madagascar (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)," Entomologica Americana 122(1-2), 220-229, (1 May 2016).
Published: 1 May 2016
new genus
new species
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