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1 June 2015 New Records of Lichinomycetes in Sweden and the Nordic Countries
Maria Prieto, Martin Westberg, Matthias Schultz
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Prieto, M., Westberg, M. & Schultz, M. 2015. New records of Lichinomycetes in Sweden and the Nordic countries. — Herzogia 28: 142–152.

Six species of Lichinomycetes are newly reported for Sweden, of which three are also new for the Nordic countries. Lichinella stipatula is the first species of the mainly Mediterranean genus Lichinella s.str. found in the Nordic countries. The new records increase the number of Psorotichia species in Sweden and the Nordic countries to three (previously only one), Lichinella to two (considering Thallinocarpon nigritellum as belonging to Lichinella s.l.), and Anema species in Sweden to two (A. tumidulum and A. nummularium). The genus Metamelanea is recorded for the first time in Sweden with two species (M. caesiella and M. umbonata). Four of the six species were collected on the Baltic islands of Gotland or Öland in Sweden, growing on calcareous rocks in alvar habitats.

Maria Prieto, Martin Westberg, and Matthias Schultz "New Records of Lichinomycetes in Sweden and the Nordic Countries," Herzogia 28(1), 142-152, (1 June 2015).
Accepted: 1 January 2015; Published: 1 June 2015
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