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A Revision of the Genus Thraulodes (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae)
Editor(s): Jay R Traver; George F. Edmunds
Author(s): Jay R Traver, George F. Edmunds
Print Publication Date: 1967

The genus Thraulodes Ulmer is known only from the New World. Diagnostic features of imagos and nymphs and characters of the ova are discussed in some detail. Of the 30 species which have been placed heretofore in Thraulodes, 23 are recognized as valid members of the genus. Eleven new species are described: T. ephippiatus, T. gonzalesi, T. itatiajanus, T. lunatus, T. osiris, T. packeri, T. papilionis, T. regulus, T. schlingeri, T. spangleri, and T. zonalis. A key to male imagos and synopses of characters of previously known species are presented. Included are figures of the male genitalia of all species given in the key, abdominal patterns of 9 species and wings of 6 species. Females are too inadequately known and nymphs of too few species have been associated with imagos to make keys of either of these groups practicable.

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